Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Some of my requirements for love...

Happy new year, dear blog readers.

I am excited to share this project, which I was able to finish with the help of a week away from some of my regular responsibilities. I think of this book, "Some of my requirements for love..." as a gift to myself for 2013. 

I don't have requirements for love. A whole industry around dating has arisen in the past few years, offering many different versions of advice for single people seeking love. Some advice is to make lists of what you're truly seeking in a mate. Hence my use of the word "requirements" in this piece.

I have to admit that I often don't understand dating advice, because it feels contrary to how I think and experience the world. I also feel as though some of the advice implies that being single is a problem to be solved. If you're single, then there must be something wrong with you...

I long for a loving partner, and I experience love in my life every day from friends and family. The man I partner with romantically will add to this love and bring a new dimension to a life in which I am already 100 percent invested and engaged. 

"Some of my requirements
for love..." 2013. 8"x4.5".
Primarily hand with
machine embroidery.
Top of book, folded.
"hoping to find a home in you."

"Some of my requirements
for love..." 2013. 8"x4.5".
Primarily hand with
machine embroidery.
Page 1. "Some of my requirements
for love are arbitrary."
"Some of my requirements
for love..." 2013. 8"x9".
Primarily hand with
machine embroidery.
Inside of book. "Some of my
requirements for love are mandatory."


  1. I love your embroidery. I can't even put my finger on why, but your blog always catches my eye in my blog roll. It is really engaging.

  2. Hi James, thank you for your email. I am going to check out your site! I will get in touch if I need help or have questions.
